

List of products by manufacturer Fadini

Meccanica Fadini today is one of the most important engineering companies in gate automation,and has distributors in more than 50 nations.

Always ahead with the latest state of the art technology, it has been one of the first to believe in the future of oil-hydraulics.

Meccanica Fadini today is one of the most important engineering companies in gate automation,and has distributors in more than 50 nations.

Always ahead with the latest state of the art technology, it has been one of the first to believe in the future of oil-hydraulics.

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
  • Fadini Birio 868 2 channel remote control. New and -button 868. MHz transmitter, with rolling-code technology, enclosed in an exclusive, attractive case. This transmitter offers all the advantages of rolling-code technology in addition to the possibility to customize the transmitter and radio receiver with a private code using the specific encoding...

  • 10 900 Ft‎

    Fadini Divo 71 4 channel remote control. New and -button 433.92MHz transmitter, with rolling-code technology, enclosed in an exclusive, attractive case. This transmitter offers all the advantages of rolling-code technology in addition to the possibility to customize the transmitter and radio receiver with a private code using the specific encoding device....

    10 900 Ft‎
    In Stock
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items